So perhaps “return” was premature…

Two years ago, I said I was returning to this blog. Obviously, that wasn’t true.

Life was… strange. My relationship with my partner of many years was deteriorating into something that felt more like I had a roommate than a mate. My health was up and down. I was struggling with loneliness and even depression. I didn’t realize it, but my life was slowly, incrementally falling apart.

In 2015, the relationship ended. Around that same time, I met someone… Or should I say reconnected with someone. For the first time in many years, I fell in love with someone who was fully capable of loving me in return. My mood improved, my health improved. I moved to a new house, and am now engaged to be married next year.

Everything has changed. Life is 100% better, and I can’t wait to talk about it, and to get back on my bikes! But… (there’s always a “but,” isn’t there?).

Right now, I’m recovering from shoulder surgery. A car accident last year meant months off and terrible pain. But now I’m almost whole again. The bikes, which have been sitting in a shed for over a year, can get a bright polish soon and then… the trails call! Within the next few months, I should be riding again, albiet slowly and carefully.

Stay tuned… Life is back on track!

About rideblog

Love to ride my bikes!
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3 Responses to So perhaps “return” was premature…

  1. adventurepdx says:

    Yeah! You’re back! Good to hear that. And good to hear that things are on the up-and-up after being on the down-and-down.

  2. Robert Paul Glassen says:

    Welcome back. I am glad to receive an email notice of your return. Many fond memories of your past blog posts. We share an interest in vintage bikes, including “IGHs”. I have a relatively rare Sturmey-Archer 4-Speed on my 1965 Moulton . Your 4 July 2013 review of the Carradice Junior answered some questions for me. I am also a one-time Seattle resident, Tacoma born, now living on central Vancouver Island, an ’emigre’ for the last 20 years. I want to acknowledge your brief, candid summary of what was clearly a hard year or so for you. Very glad to hear things are ‘back on track’. Hope to hear of your return to riding. I always find it helps in many ways. -Paul

  3. Chris Andress says:

    That is wonderful, at least where you are now. I look forward to reading.

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